Aesthetics For Men

The Male Grooming Industry has been a growth industry for some time and this includes Facial Aesthetics and Skin Care.

Edinburgh Medical Aesthetics has been working with male patients since our inception in 2013. Feedback from our male patients played a significant part in our decision-making process when deciding to locate our clinic within a private residence. Feedback we received was around privacy and discretion which we take this very seriously.

In many ways, the male skin differs quite significantly to that of a female; besides having facial hair, there are also structural differences. The increased production of Androgen (testosterone) in men, accounts for why a man’s skin is about 25% thicker than that of a woman. In addition to being thicker, a man’s skin texture is also tougher.

All our treatments are available to men and all gender identities. We recommend an Initial Consultation where we will discuss areas of concern; we will always be open and honest around what results are achievable.

In our experience, men tend to come later to aesthetics and around the more advance skin aging stages; we feel this may be due to these types of treatments being a relatively new area of male grooming. As with all patients, we would actively encourage our male patients to consider commencing with preventative treatments, as early as possible, into the aging process.

Non-surgical corrective treatments are popular with our male patients, such as defining the jaw line. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and will manage your expectations around what is realistic and achievable.