Wrinkle Relaxing Treatments

Treatment Areas:

Frown Lines
Forehead Lines
Crow’s Feet
Bunny Lines
Brow Lift
Gummy Smile
Under arm (Hyper Hydrosis/Excessive Sweating)

How do Wrinkle Relaxing Injections work?

Wrinkle relaxing treatments involve injections of a drug called Botulinum Toxin A. Using a fine needle, the drug is injected into the target muscle to temporarily block the nerve signal, this relaxes the underlying muscle over time and the skin above looks smoother and less wrinkled.

Do Wrinkle Relaxing Injections work on all Expression Lines of the Face?

Botulinum toxin can treat expression lines (dynamic lines) and lines that are present when the muscle is not contracted, and the face is relaxed.

Static lines (wrinkles that are visible even when the face is relaxed) cannot be eradicated with wrinkle relaxing injections, but may be softer or improve over time with repeated treatment.

Our Practitioner will discuss other treatments options to deal with these lines.

How long do Wrinkle Relaxing Injections last?

How often a patient will require the treatment depends on the severity of the lines the patient is concerned about, and the strength of the muscles in the surrounding area. This can vary from regular treatments every 3 months, to treatments 1-2 times per year. With continued treatment muscles in the affected area weaken therefore increasing the longevity of the treatment.

A patient’s lifestyle can play a role in how quickly the treatment wears off. Sunbed users and physically fit individuals can sometimes metabolise the product quicker and therefore require more regular treatments.

Please be aware, there are some individuals who can develop a resistance to products over time. Our Practitioner will discuss other treatments options.

Will I look different or will people notice?

Your wrinkles will appear softer and you will look like a fresher version of you. Most people won’t notice any difference unless you disclose this. All patients can look completely natural and achieve a subtle look if desired.

Are Wrinkle Relaxing Treatments safe, can they be used long term?

Yes, wrinkle relaxing treatments are safe to use long term. However, you can stop using it at any time without your skin looking worse than it did, prior treatment.

What is the best age for Wrinkle Relaxing Treatments?

For prevention, mid to late 20’s or early 30’s is best to start having regular wrinkle relaxing treatments. It is suitable for those beyond this age however may not be as effective, as a preventative for lines and wrinkles.

Who should not get Wrinkle Relaxing Treatment?

Women/Individuals who are pregnant or breast feeding.
Individuals under the age of 18.
Some neurological conditions for example myasthenia gravis, are not suitable for this treatment.

Are there risks of Wrinkle Relaxing Injections?

The risks are low when administered by a professionally trained and skilled Practitioner; any risks will be discussed in depth during your consultation.

The risks can include unwanted relaxation of muscles, which can affect the position of eyes, eyelids or any muscle in the face, facial asymmetry.
Redness, bruising at injection site.

Is it painful?

Pain is minimal when administered by a professionally trained and skilled Practitioner, you may feel a little pinch/scratch type sensation.

Is Wrinkle Relaxation Treatment the same as Dermal Fillers?

No, please don’t confuse wrinkle relaxation treatments with Dermal Fillers. Although, like fillers these products are injectables, they work very differently by temporarily paralysing the muscles that cause wrinkles. They don’t fill, plump or enhance an area however, they can be used alongside and in conjunction with Dermal Fillers.

Botulinum Toxin A is the generic drug name for the toxin used in Wrinkle Relaxing Treatments. At EMA we use the branded drug, Botox© and Azzalure©

Please be aware, all brands are Prescription Only Medications.